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Kids Furniture > Bunk Beds

When it’s time to furnish bedrooms for a growing family, the number one choice in space saving furniture is the bunk bed. There are many options and varieties to consider when choosing the one that’s right for your family. To determine the best size and style of bunk bed for the room it is important to measure the space including ceiling height, and making a note of any light fixtures. This will help pick the best bed for the space, keeping in mind additional features like the ladder, open spaces like doors or hallways, and headroom for the top bunk. Ceiling fixtures, especially ceiling fans must be a safe distance for safety, and to prevent adventurous little ones from getting too close.

Besides for the size of the beds and the bed frame, another consideration is the material used. Durability is an important factor in children’s furniture as they do their best to test the stability of your new purchase. Another issue to consider is the ability to separate the beds. This allows you to alter the layout when interest or space may prompt such changes. Finally, from the many styles and building materials, choose the one that most suits the room and those using it.